In the heavens far from our known galaxy, there lived a very lazy celestial being. He found it too tiresome to try to create anything new, unlike his neighbors who kept themselves busy forming new galaxies and expanding the boundaries of the universe. He preferred to remain among his wasteland, where other creators tossed their defective and broken pieces of sun, moon, and stars. One day as he was lounging around, he asked a passerby to toss some food in his mouth, as he hungered but could not bring himself to move a single limb in search of food. With a wry smirk, the passerby approached, but instead of food, he poured a handful of stardsust into the lazy man's mouth. Eyes closed and tasting this, the lazy man new he had been fooled and with a heave, he hefted himself up enough to grab a nearby star and hurl it at the passerby. The traveler just laughed as the star hurled into the depths of space, but the star travelled with purpose, gaining energy and becoming brilliant as it spe...